things to know before removed in wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal: 5 Things you Need to Know Before They Are Removed

As experts in wisdom teeth extractions near Kissimmee, we see lots of patients who for one reason or another, require wisdom tooth extraction. To put your mind at ease, here is what to know about your wisdom teeth and the process of having them removed.

One of the main questions patients who visit our dental office have is, “why do we even have wisdom teeth when they seem to cause so much trouble?” Let’s answer this below…

Firstly, Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are located right in the back of your mouth and usually erupt in your late teens. Some people don’t end up developing their wisdom teeth, or some might have only one or two wisdom teeth come in.

Just like all permanent teeth, wisdom teeth enable us to bite and chew food. However, for many of us, there simply isn’t enough room in our mouth to accommodate these new teeth, and removal is required.

So, Why Do I Need to Have Them Removed?

Due to lack of space in our mouth, wisdom teeth can cause pain and a whole range of other complications when they try to erupt through our gums. Including:

  • Pain
  • Impacted teeth (teeth that try to break through gums but don’t have enough room)
  • Difficult to clean, causing decay
  • Damage to the nearby teeth and jaw
  • Cysts

In modern-day living, wisdom teeth aren’t necessary, so if they are causing trouble, the best course of action is often to remove them at a dental office near Kissimmee.

Your dentist will make an assessment based on your dental history and take X-rays to see where the teeth are positioned in your mouth and jaw.

What’s Involved in Wisdom Teeth Removal Near You?

Wisdom teeth have large roots which means if you do need to have them removed, it’s better sooner rather than later.

Post-removal you can experience pain and tenderness in your gums. Swelling and some level of discomfort are perfectly normal for a few days afterward.

1. Recovery:

The first few days post-removal can be quite uncomfortable and most people need to take a few days off work. Getting lots of rest is important and using ice packs is important to help with swelling. We will prescribe medication to manage pain if required.

It’s important that you’re kind to yourself and tries not to rush your recovery, this includes being conscious of what you eat. Choose soft foods that are easy to chew and swallow.

2. One more thing, beware of dry socket

One of the complications of having your wisdom teeth removed is ending up with a dry socket. This is not a very common occurrence, so there is no cause for alarm, but it is still necessary to take note of.

Space (i.e. socket) where your wisdom tooth was, can take a few months to heal over. When the tooth is removed, a blood clot forms in that bone where the tooth was (a painless process which you won’t’ feel). However, if this clot dislodges it will expose bone and nerves. Ouch!

To avoid dry sockets, make sure you:

  • Don’t drink from a straw (for obvious reasons – a sucking motion can dislodge the clot)
  • Don’t smoke
  • Don’t spit
  • Don’t engage in strenuous exercise

No Obligation-Free Consultation

If you would like to discuss wisdom teeth removal, schedule your complimentary check-up today. Addressing all dental issues sooner rather than later is crucial, and wisdom tooth pain is no exception. For wisdom teeth removal nearby, call our office near Kissimmee.