Dental Sealants near Kissimmee, FL
Dental Sealants Near You
In our quest to achieve a healthy set of teeth, we need to maintain proper and regular oral hygiene by brushing and flossing daily. But sometimes, even when we continuously clean our teeth, plaque and tartar build-up can still occur. Most of this is caused by food getting stuck in the pits and fissures of the teeth. These hard-to-reach areas of our teeth become a breeding ground for bacteria, which can eventually lead to tooth decay if left untreated. One way to prevent this is by applying a sealant, which can be easily placed and maintained by a family dentist near Kissimmee.

What are Sealants?
A sealant near Kissimmee,Fl is a thin coating, placed on the areas of the teeth where deep grooves are present. Sealants are also placed on the surface of molars and pre-molars. This is to seal all the possible entryways bacteria can come in contact with the tooth and can make the teeth smoother and easier to clean. Sealants are very easily placed on the teeth and require little maintenance. Regular visits to a dentist will be necessary to check and maintain the sealant. This is to ensure the sealant is not already worn out or damaged and if this has occurred, your dentist can re-apply it to the necessary teeth.

When are Sealants Preferred?
A child’s milk teeth might have deep pits and depressions, which can increase the risk of developing tooth decay. Sealants help prevent bacteria build-up by sealing off those depressions from vulnerability.
For children from the age of six up to their adolescent years, regular visits to a Kissimmee dental office are necessary, as soon as the first permanent teeth emerge, usually the molar, and throughout the cavity-prone years. This period is from ages 6 to 16 years. During this time, sealants can be utilized to protect the teeth from decay and damage until they are fully developed.
Adults can require the application of sealants to preserve the health of their teeth. Sealants can be placed on pits, fissures, and depressions which have not decayed yet to protect them from tartar and plaque. This is necessary if the teeth have deep grooves and prove difficult to clean thoroughly.

How are Sealants Applied?
A sealant can be easily applied by a dentist without taking up much time or prep work. The entire process would just take a minute or two for each tooth. First, the tooth is cleaned and dried, then the enamel is applied with a bonding solution to ensure the sealant sticks to each tooth. The teeth would then be rinsed and dried again, and a small portion of the sealant is applied to the pits and crevices. The sealant would then harden by itself or through a UV light.
Sealants are tough on their own but eating healthy and having regular visits to the dental office near Kissimmee, FL would ensure they last a long period and are well maintained.
Yes, dental sealants are safe. They are protective measures meant for the chewing areas of the back teeth in order to reduce the occurrence of cavities. Most of the studies are done and they reveal that the use of sealants is effective and does not pose a risk to health.
Sealants help to prevent cavities in teeth. They operate as a protective barrier or shield that prevents bacteria and food particles from entering the grooves of teeth and lowering the risk of cavities. In particular, teenagers and children with developing permanent teeth will greatly benefit from sealants.
Getting dental sealants is a quick process, usually taking less than 30 minutes per tooth. The dentist cleans the teeth, applies the sealant, and hardens it with a special light. It’s a simple and efficient procedure.
Dental sealants are an effective technique to prevent tooth decay. They can keep teeth cavity-free for many years, decreasing the need for more expensive dental procedures in the future. Dental sealants do not need to be replaced after they have been applied, but they should be checked on a regular basis to ensure they are still effective.
Our Services
- Braces
- Bruxism
- Sealants
- Dentures
- Retainers
- Invisalign
- Orthodontics
- Teeth Whitening
- Porcelain Crowns
- Root Canal Therapy
- Composite Fillings
- Oral Hygiene Aids
- Periodontal Disease
- Porcelain Fixed Bridges
- Cleaning and Prevention
- Bone and Gum Grafting
- Wisdom Teeth Extractions
- Dental Implants
- Oral Cancer Exam
- Porcelain Veneers
- Pocket Reduction Surgery