Cleaning and Prevention near Kissimmee, FL
Dental Cleaning near Kissimmee, FL
Growing up, you were told about the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene to keep teeth and oral health in the best shape possible. This is still considered the best way to avoid developing any type of oral issue throughout your life. Prevention is always better than going through the process of curing an oral issue. This is something that can easily be done through thorough and effective oral hygiene habits carried out in the comfort of your home. Professional teeth cleanings near Kissimmee, FL should be scheduled at least every six months.
Home Care Practices for Healthier Teeth and Mouth
It starts with what we put into our bodies in terms of consumption. When you were young, you may have heard the saying ‘You are what you eat, this has much truth when it comes to our oral health as well as our overall health. This is because our diet and all the other things we ingest play a part in strengthening or degrading the quality of our smiles. The practice of brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is vital when it comes to maintaining good oral care.
Brushing your teeth should be done with an ADA-approved soft bristle brush paired with quality toothpaste. This is to be done at least twice a day to ensure bacteria and plaque is removed properly from the mouth. By placing the brush at a 45-degree angle to the gums and brushing in a circular motion, you can effectively brush the inner, outer, and biting surfaces of the teeth for proper cleaning. Do note that brushing your tongue should be done every session to make sure bacteria do not build up and cause halitosis or other more serious oral issues. Your dentist near Kissimmee, FL can provide more oral hygiene techniques during an appointment for teeth cleaning near you.
Flossing goes hand in hand with brushing. This is done to ensure the spaces between your teeth down to your gum line are clear of foreign objects, that may cause damage to your oral health. Proper flossing is done using dental floss, about 12 to 16 inches long. Holding the floss tightly between your thumbs and index fingers, carefully glide it up and down between your teeth to completely clean these spaces between the teeth.
After doing this, always rinse your mouth well to wash the debris away. Some people use supplemental products in their oral care routine. For example, using rubber tip stimulators, interdental brushes, irrigation devices, tongue cleaners, medicated rinses, and fluoride. These are all suitable, but it would be best to get the go-ahead from your dentist on them, to make sure they are appropriate for you specifically.
Dental Cleaning Near You
The Role of Dental Exams, Cleaning, and X-Rays
To understand the state of your teeth and oral health, a comprehensive exam and x-rays are necessary before your dental cleaning near you takes place. Typically, this includes diagnostic x-rays for detection of existing bone loss, cysts, decay, and tumors. An oral cancer screening is also completed during this visit. This exam involves an assessment of the throat, tongue, neck, lips, face, tissues, and gums. Usually, dentists also perform gum disease evaluation, tooth decay examination, and check on existing restorations.
What is the difference between dental cleaning and home care cleaning? During a dental cleaning near Kissimmee, FL, you will be getting a cleaning that goes much deeper than one carried out at home. A dental cleaning removes the built-up tartar in the mouth. These are hardened plaque that firmly attaches to the surface of teeth over time. Removing this requires the use of dental instruments. Teeth polishing is also an important part of the process. This is to remove stains that have been caused by acidic drinks like tea, and coffee or by lifestyle choices such as cigarette smoking. Dental cleaning is a more complex and detailed type of cleaning than what is done in the comfort of your home.
While dental cleanings are recommended to be scheduled twice a year, dental x-rays should also be done to ensure there are no other issues beneath the surface.
Why Undergo Dental X-rays?
Having a dental x-ray completed is part of the preventative measures carried out by your dentist. This is done to ensure that you have a clean bill of oral health and that no underlying issues are developing in your mouth. Oftentimes, there may be hidden dental abnormalities and problems behind the smiles of patients. Unfortunately, problems that cannot easily be seen on the surface can develop into the most troublesome problems of all.
Dental problems that are detected in their early stages can spare you costly treatments, pain, and discomfort. Some of the problems that can be shown by a dental x-ray are as follows: bone loss, developmental abnormalities, abscesses or cysts, decay, cancerous and non-cancerous tumors, poor tooth and root conditions, and problems underneath the gum line.
Some people fear getting x-rays taken because of the radiation involved in traditional methods. However, our practice implements digital x-rays to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure. Another added benefit digital x-rays provide is how quickly they are done and able to be reviewed by your dentist within the same appointment.
X-rays are carried out for diagnostic purposes; however, the frequency will depend on your dental health needs. A full mouth series of dental x-rays is carried out for new clients during their first visit and is suitable for up to three years before a new one should be done. As for bite-wing x-rays, those that are done to see the top and bottom of the teeth while biting together, are usually done once or twice a year.
Sometimes, a seemingly good-looking smile may bear pending and troublesome problems that are to be discovered in their late and worse states in the long run. Prevention and maintenance are always the best approaches to keeping your teeth and mouth in their healthiest state.
A dental cleaning at a dental clinic near you usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how much buildup there is. Our dentist will clean your teeth, remove plaque and polish them, leaving you with a fresh, clean mouth.
Dental cleaning helps remove plaque and tartar that brushing at home can’t reach. This helps to mitigate the chances of oral illnesses such as bad breath, cavities, gum disease and more. Regular cleanings also allow the dentist to detect any potential oral issues early, thus treating it to keep your mouth healthy.
To prevent cavities, brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss regularly, and have a balanced diet. Keep your body hydrated, avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar throughout the day, and schedule regular dental visits for dental checkups and cleaning.
Our Services
- Braces
- Bruxism
- Sealants
- Dentures
- Retainers
- Invisalign
- Orthodontics
- Teeth Whitening
- Porcelain Crowns
- Root Canal Therapy
- Composite Fillings
- Oral Hygiene Aids
- Periodontal Disease
- Porcelain Fixed Bridges
- Cleaning and Prevention
- Bone and Gum Grafting
- Wisdom Teeth Extractions
- Dental Implants
- Oral Cancer Exam
- Porcelain Veneers
- Pocket Reduction Surgery