steps followed during a teeth cleaning

Steps Followed During a Teeth Cleaning

Are you searching for teeth cleaning near you? You may have been attending teeth cleaning sessions but you’ve never really known exactly what happens when you are in that reclining chair. Between the strange noises, prodding, and occasional jaw discomfort, you may be curious to know what is going on in your mouth. A teeth […]

causes and treatment in tooth sensitivity problem

Tooth Sensitivity: Causes and Treatment

One of the most common dental problems people complain about is tooth sensitivity. This is caused by several reasons. But before going there we need to explain a little about the structure of the tooth, to have a better understanding. Under normal conditions, the tooth has an outer layer called enamel, which protects the underlying […]

how does sugar affect your dental health

How Does Sugar Affect Your Dental Health?

Have you ever thought that eating candy or a soft sweet doughnut could be harmful to your dental condition and overall health? Do you know what simple carbohydrates are and how they can harm your teeth? Why is it important to practice good oral hygiene? Your dentist near Kissimmee will try to answer these questions for […]