Why Retainers Are Essential After Orthodontic Treatment

Why Retainers Are Essential After Orthodontic Treatment

A perfect smile attained with braces or clear aligners is a highlight of the exciting journey, which does not reach an end as the journey completes. To protect the perfectly arranged teeth, orthodontic appliances called retainers are essential after orthodontic treatment by the dentist office near you. Unfortunately, many retainers underestimate their benefits, for they […]

how to look after your retainers correctly

How to Look After Your Retainers Correctly

The benefits of braces are worth the time, effort, and maintenance, from improving your smile to addressing oral health problems. Once you complete the treatment, you finally get the grin you’ve been waiting for. Your dentist near Kissimmee will further advise you to wear a retainer after having your braces removed. You must follow the […]