the role of dentists in diagnosing and treating bruxism

The Role of Dentists in Diagnosing and Treating Bruxism

If you grind your teeth, your general dentist will know about it. This habit involves constantly rubbing your teeth together, which can cause jaw pain and teeth problems.  People who are constantly stressed out with hyperactivity problems often develop bruxism. Learn how your regular dentist can find and treat bruxism. Different kinds of nightguards are […]

Bruxism and Sleep Apnea: Exploring the Connection

Quality sleep is essential for overall health, benefiting both the body and the mind. Sleep disorders may interfere with this vital function, affecting our daily life and well-being. Two of these diseases, bruxism and sleep apnea, may appear unconnected at first glance, but a growing body of data and our dentist near Kissimmee reveal the […]

the effects of bruxism on your teeth and oral health

The Effects of Bruxism on Your Teeth and Oral Health

Bruxism, or persistent tooth grinding or clenching, affects a large proportion of the population and can lead to serious dental problems. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to recognize it as well as fully comprehending how it affects your teeth, including wearing down your tooth enamel and contributing to tooth sensitivity.  Set up an appointment with […]

do you struggle with bruxism

Do You Struggle With Bruxism?

When referring to teeth grinding that occurs during sleep, your dentist might use the term bruxism to characterize the condition. According to estimates provided by the National Sleep Foundation, roughly eight percent of adults suffer from the condition known as bruxism.  Dental decay and headaches are two of the effects that might result from this. […]