Dental Blog

how does the temporomandibular joint impact your ears

How does the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) impact your ears?

Embarking on a journey to understand the interplay between the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and ear pain reveals a captivating connection beyond oral health.  This exploration aims to demystify the causes, symptoms, and treatment associated with TMJ-related ear pain, offering a comprehensive understanding for those grappling with this often underestimated aspect of well-being. Discover exceptional dental […]

porcelain veneers exploring staining concerns and solutions

Porcelain Veneers: Exploring Staining Concerns and Solutions

Step into the realm of porcelain veneers, where smiles undergo meticulous transformation into artistic masterpieces. Ever wondered about the remarkable resistance of these wonders to staining?  Porcelain veneers are renowned for their stain-resistant properties and are crafted to maintain a pristine appearance for years.  According to recent studies, porcelain veneers have proven successful in resisting […]

oral cancer risk factors are you at risk

Oral Cancer Risk Factors: Are You at Risk?

Mouth cancer is defined as cancer that occurs in any of the components of the oral cavity. Risk factors for various malignancies will differ from patient to patient, but common examples include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and genetics. But delving into the different risk factors only provides a partial narrative. The mere presence of such […]

Bruxism and Sleep Apnea: Exploring the Connection

Quality sleep is essential for overall health, benefiting both the body and the mind. Sleep disorders may interfere with this vital function, affecting our daily life and well-being. Two of these diseases, bruxism and sleep apnea, may appear unconnected at first glance, but a growing body of data and our dentist near Kissimmee reveal the […]

the effects of bruxism on your teeth and oral health

The Effects of Bruxism on Your Teeth and Oral Health

Bruxism, or persistent tooth grinding or clenching, affects a large proportion of the population and can lead to serious dental problems. Unfortunately, it can be tricky to recognize it as well as fully comprehending how it affects your teeth, including wearing down your tooth enamel and contributing to tooth sensitivity.  Set up an appointment with […]